Public Personae

Focus on exploring interaction of narrative visualization of publicly available data driven by the user including data of the public personae in the real time data polis.


Visualising data/ Information Mapping

Schaffung von Gebrauchswert: Darstellung von Zuständen à Information desgn dient der Inszenierung der Daten / Stapelkamp, p.360

Redefine the borders of our personal and public persona.



Public Persona

However, I decdided the idendity, which just reprents the data I produced to be mapped down, is not enough.
I would rather focus on the public persona. The image I created of myself. The public persona is a bit more than just the digital identity. It is connected to perceptions.


This part of my work was influenced by a documentation I saw on the topic of Metamorphosis.


Find my elaboration here: My Public Persona

>> Digital Identity and Public Persona

With my work I want to suggest a new way of looking at our publicly available data, I want to suggest to discover it through the Eyes of Ovid, the old greek poet. In his work Metamorphosis he describes a world which sounded like complete fiction. It is a world in which “picking the wrong flower can lead to a total loss of the self” and to a transformation of the own body. In a very bizarre way this image has more actuality than ever. A few wrong steps mediated in the wrong context can lead to a complete new image of the self which can affect our well-being.

How did I get here?

My whole work got influenced by project work I conducted in Portsmouth in the unit Digital Futures.