Prototype 1: Processing

Soundcircles is a visualisation of my personal data.
I have investigated how I can use simple tag clouds to make sense out of data which are publicly available about myself and I tried to associate them with sound and colour so that I can listen to my digital-self.
My objective is to offer my users another experience of personal but publicly available data which might encourage them to publish information more mindfully.

You can download the app from here.


If you are not a Mac User or the 64-version doesn`t work for you, please have a
look at the bottom of this page here



Quick Overview on the Interactions:

Click on Circle = Assigns Sound and colour to a circle. These can be modified in the palette later on. At the same time an activity-halo is activated and attracts all data which fly around at the moment.

Right-mouse-click = Only activates the attraction-halo, which can be useful, if you want to use your digital-self simply as an interface.

Once you have tried the sketch I recommend to also have a look at the history of this application:




Btw: The sketch above shows the data of my tutor Simone.
I enjoyed much more playing with Simone`s Public Persona rather than with mine.
The reason is that there are many “Markus Burkardts” and therefore my public persona is pretty week while Simone`s is pretty unique and connected to Art and Design. So not having a public persona at all is also not necessarily a good thing. The question is how to get the right one and to make sure we don`t loose control over it.

I want to give a special thanks at this point to Ramin Soleymani. He helped me a lot whenever I got stuck. I don`t know if without him I would  have achieved this level of my prototype.

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Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 11.21.55 PM





See my full history with Processing
