Transformation of the Self

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This article was written in June 2013. I never completed it but it was an important milestone in my concept development phase. 


I want to invite my audience to look at its public persona through the eyes of  Ovids mystical wold of Metamorphosis which can maybe also lead to a  kafka-esque transformation. In Kafkas`Story “Die Verwandlung” a man turns into a beatle. After his transformation he is not connected anymore to the life he was used to and he falls completely out of his social environment. My elaboration on transformation and metamorphosis is rooted in surrealism which taught us a special perspective on design:

Every designed object has a layer of meaning which can change. In this case the object is ourselves and a facebook entry or an automatic check-in can cause a “Metamorphosis of the Object”  (Brandes,U., Erlhoff,M., Schemmann,N., 2009, p.47).

In a bizarre  Ovids story became reality. If we put  the wrong information about us out there in the digital space they might be re-used by others in unexpected ways. In Ovids stors this can lead to a complete loss of the self. 


Brandes,U., Erlhoff,M., Schemmann,N., (2009). Designtheorie und Designforschung. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag.

Lima, M.(2011). Visual Complexity – Mapping Patterns of Information. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.


BBC Documentation about metamorphosis,
retrieved on Feb 20, 2013 from  and here: