
Screen Shot 2013-05-27 at 5.55.47 PM

A data designers task is to make use of graphical metaphors to display abstract data sets. 

The data designers task is to create a visual and interactive framing for big data sets which turns information into potential knowledge.With this work specialized designers don`t just shape content but they create it.The ability to misinform or eventually even unintentionally lie entails a responsability which is similar to those of journalists.

(a visualisation of files on my desktop with Processing Code from the book Generative Design)




The Transformation of the self into something we don`t want it to be?

Data which are publicly available about us, can easily slip out of control and be transformed.
Our data can go through a transformation which I want to describe in my work as the “Metamorphosis of the Digital-Self”. This metamorphosis doesn`t only depend on the designer who transforms data but also on the recipients of our data and their cultural and knowledge-based background.

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IMG: see references



Based on these reflections I started a little project in order to play with elements which evoke the feeling of being something we don`t want to be. I also tried to mediate the feeling of being transformed, which can be discovered by clicking on the following button:



Tacit Aspects of Sensemaking

Our brain provides us with tacit information by letting us feel. This is called intuition. This so call intuition is like a hughe data base which collects a tremendous amount of information. It would be inefficient to become aware of these information all the time when we have to make a decision and so evolution came up with feelings. Research in motivational and emotion psychology has shown that we can partially very well rely on these feelings.


Heckhausen, J., Heckhausen, H. (2010). Emotion und Handeln (german edition),
Springer; Auflage: 4., überarb. u. aktualisierte Aufl. 2010
Rheinberg, F., Vollmeyer,R. (2011). Motivation. Kohlhammer; Auflage: 8., aktual. Aufl. (15. Dezember 2011).

